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  • Promoting the convergence of the biological and physical sciences, engineering and computing
  • Science communication, public engagement, networking and advocacy for biomedical sciences
  • Inviting scientists to share their ideas shaping the future of healthcare
  • We organise free events, seminars and laboratory visits for the public
  • Showcasing our scientists working in the public interest


Biomedical Sciences Delivered

We engage with the community to share developments in convergence science, the next innovation revolution.  We encourage the research community, start-ups, existing businesses, government agencies and schools to take advantage of the wide-ranging opportunities offered by convergence science.  We create an environment and opportunities for new ideas, knowledge and resources across different science disciplines co-operate to address pressing health issues.


We invite scientists to share their ideas and demonstrate how convergence is advancing the biomedical sciences.  We host events, communicate ideas and profile our young, emerging and prominent scientists.  We inspire the next generation of scientists and promote diversity in science.


Convergence Science Network Ltd

384-388 Albert Street

East Melbourne Victoria 3002


ACN 658 479 479